We set up an efficient distribution network with the purpose to reduce your costs. This network allows us to minimize the impact of transport services on the cost of goods to the high-end buyer.
Transportation costs and the type of the required transport are key factors in creating a distribution model. Based on order frequency and location, we determine the type of the required transport and its cost.
We choose the perfect warehouse location, size, ease of access and cost to make the right choice that best meets distribution needs and ensures overall customer satisfaction.
Distributional tasks
We have created an efficient distribution system
We arrange transport for the delivery of your goods
We rent warehouses and distribute the products between them in the best possible way
We deliver the goods to your customers on time
We manage the logistics processes strategically
We control logistics costs
We develop the best possible communication system between all participants in the distribution chain
Who uses distribution services?
Small businesses can deal with distribution on their own, while large producers often delegate these matters so that they can focus on production.